Big Sur
• April 12-17, 2009: Big Sur Wilderness Experience: Springtime at Esalen Institute with Steven Harper and Michael NewmanI finally have all the date for 2009. This is one of the most exciting schedules I've had. Hopefully you can join me for a worshop this year.
• May 2, 2009: The Art of Pilgrimage: Walking the Wild Path at Green Gulch Zen Center with Steven Harper and Meg Levie
• May 7-10, 2009: Zen Mind, Wild Mind at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center with Steven Harper and Leslie James or Kokyo Henkel
• May 24-29, 2009: Walk on the Wild Side: Hiking the Big Sur Country at Esalen Institute with Steven Harper and Michael Newman
• June 19-21, 2009: Fathers and Sons: Celebrating Father’s Day in the Tradition of the Old Ways at Esalen Institute with Steven Harper, Kenneth Harper, Kai Harper, and Kes Harper
• June 21-26, 2009: Mountains and Waves: Wilderness and Continuum at Esalen Institute with Steven Harper and Susan Harper
• July 5-10, 2009: Nature and Contemplation at Esalen Institute with Steven Harper and Brother David Steindl-Rast
• August 7-9, 2009: Sitting with Fire: Walking with Change at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center with Steven Harper and Myogen Steve Stücky
• August 16-21, 2009: Big Sur Wilderness Experience at Esalen Institute with Steven Harper and Michael Newman
• September 2-6, 2009: Art of Pilgrimage at Hollyhock at Cortes Island, British Columbia, Canada with Steven Harper
• September 19, 2009: The Art of Pilgrimage: Walking the Wild Path at Green Gulch Zen Center with Steven Harper and Meg Levie
• October 4-9, 2009: Belonging to the Earth: Finding Our Place in Nature at Esalen Institute with Steven Harper and Michael Newman
• October 23-25, 2009: The Way of Nature at Esalen Institute with Steven Harper
For more details visit: Steven Harper