Saturday, June 30, 2012

Way of Nature at Esalen, June 2012

The Way of Nature: The Practice of the Wild

What a journey! I have a whole new meaning to the "practice of the wild." I so appreciate how we each so uniquely showed up this week for such a full range of experiences — both expected and unexpected. For some very clear moments I felt deeply supported while supporting... and for this I am grateful to you all.

I hope you all journey forth with gems from our week. As as David Whyte says, "...what urgency calls you to your one love? What shape waits in the seed of you to grow and spread its branches against a future sky?" (See: What to Remember When Waking)

Here are links to:
Way of Nature Photo Set
Way of Nature Photos as Full-Screen Slideshow
Among the Wonderful by Stacy Carlson
Poems to Live By: Some poems we read during the week, plus some...

Feel inspired to support Big Creek Reserve?:
Donate to Big Creek
Volunteer Stewardship Program

Special thanks to Stacy, Isabel, and wilds of Big Sur.

Love to you all,


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fathers & Sons at Esalen 2012

Celebrating Father's Day in the Tradition of the Old Ways

Over the ages, fathers and sons have journeyed together into the wilds of nature, traveling light, living simply, and stepping together on the path of what is known and what is unknown as students and teachers for one another. This is a time for fathers and sons to come together as individuals, family, and community to explore the natural wild areas of Big Sur and the relationship of father and son in a community of men... and so it shall be.

Here are links to:
What to Remember When Waking (for the path ahead)

I am so deeply touched by our individual and collective willingness to show up for the moment, ourselves, each other, and the larger community of beings. I come away from our weekend inspired by young men that are aware and finding their voice, fathers dedicated to a path of mindful parenting, and a collective of men of all ages that are curious about life.

With Deep Gratitude,

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Walk on the Wild Side: Esalen, May 2012

Walk on the Wild Side: Hiking the Big Sur Country

"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul." ~John Muir.

Here are some links:
Poems to Live By For many of the poems of the week
Trees of Big Sur To finally give you names of the trees we saw
PBS Documentary of John Muir
Skiing the Sacred Headwaters Trevor's Expedition
Megan's Site 
Return by request from Katie
Bear Creek Studios by request

Taking a deeper breath than normal and allowing an extended audible exhale. Inviting a "seed" moment that you experienced during our time in the wilds of Big Sur to become real and present. Invite this seed quality to embody in the world you now inhabit.

With Gratitude,