Walk on the Wild Side
"The wild requires that we learn the terrain, nod to all the plants and animals and birds, ford the streams and cross the ridges and tell a good story when we get back home.”
~ Gary Snyder
Here are some links and resources:
The Art of Pilgrimage at Vallecitos Mountain Ranch
John Muir Nature's Visionary by Gretel Ehrlich (my favorite book about Muir)
John Muir Nature's Visionary by Gretel Ehrlich (my favorite book about Muir)
I sit here in my office in the Big Sur digesting the rich images, sensations, and feelings of our week together. Still lingering is the strong sense of the human community that came together to walk in the wilds and I find myself deeply appreciating the fullness of everyone's "showing up."
What a blessing. I am grateful have shared time on the path together... and wondering, what good story will you tell when you get back home.
Big Love,