Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Art of Pilgrimage: Green Gulch Zen Center, September 2013

Pilgrims along the path...

Here is a version of the Zen story that Jeremy told after lunch from the "Book of Serenity"

Zen Teacher Earth Treasury asked the monk Dharma Eye as he was leaving the monastery, "Where are you going?"
Dharma Eye said, "I am going on pilgrimage."
Earth Treasury said, "What is the purpose of pilgrimage?"
Dharma Eye said, "I don't know."
Earth Treasury said, "Not knowing is most intimate."
Dharma Eye was greatly awakened at these words.

Heartfelt gratitude for all of you that showed up on the first rainy day of the season! And, while it rained hard while we were in the zendo, we were able to walk through a day that included the raucous celebration of plants celebrating the rain, to open skies and sunshine. A wonderful way to acknowledge the equinox. Thanks to Jeremy Levie for co-leading this event with me and for our gracious assistants. I hope to see you next year if not sooner.

I invite you to pause for a moment... and for the next three breaths... I invite you to open your awareness and attend to whatever arises. May we all live "most imtimately."

Here are some links:

Deep bows to each of you,

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Big Sur Wilderness Experience: September 2013

BSWE @ Julia Pfeiffer-Burns State Park

It is said that Big Sur is not so much a place as a state of mind. Although I might add, "and a state of being." Shared time along the path in such beauty, sharing stories of life's ride (joys and challenges), and seeing the world alive is a blessing. What an honor to be among such courage, curiosity, and willingness to say "yes" to life and being with all that life might bring.

Here are some links:
Photo Set
What to Remember When Waking by David Whyte
Prayer for the Great Family by Gary Snyder
Bill's Lizstel Photography 
Meal Chant Stew by Steven Harper
Ojai Foundation (where Adam works)

From the Wilds of the Big Sur,
