Thursday, September 20, 2018

Walk on the Wild Side: Esalen, September 2018

Walk on the Wild Side
click on photo to enlarge

I sit here at my computer feeling back into the week and the full range of weather, personalities, experiences and feel deeply grateful. Thank you for showing up to be "full in" for yourselves, each other, our group, Big Sur. So many nuggets of true gold — peak experiences as well as space for an authentic range of emotions to rise to the surface — as we sauntered along with these mountains, this place, this moment as our holy land.

So much "walks with me." Play is my gold nugget of the week and I am reminded of Suzuki Roshi's words, "What we are doing here is so important we better not take it too seriously." I hope we are all finding ways to weave the true gold into the fabric of daily life.

Here are the many (record breaking) requested links that I hope help in the process of weaving. The photos from both sites are downloadable:
Steven's Photos
John's Photos
Poems to Live By
Tribal Ground: Christine Price
Voice of Esalen: Podcast Interview with Steven: In case you want stories
Tassajara Zen Center & Nature of Zen at Tassajara
Gratefulness: Bro. David's site and an article they published on their site: Meal Chant Stew
The Hermitage
John Muir: Nature's Visionary my favorite book about his life (there are many)
For Fun: How Muir are you? 
More about Redwoods

Big love from the Big Sur,


P.S. One more for inspiration: Don't Go Back to Sleep

Saturday, September 08, 2018

Big Sur Wilderness Experience: Esalen, August 2018

 Experiencing Big Sur Wildness
click on image to enlarge

Delicious... the first word that comes to mind as I feel back into our week together. I so appreciate each and every one of you and how we entered so fully into our time together. I hope the ripples continue to stir you to the core and that you ripple out to benefit all beings.

Here are some requested links to keep the waves in motion:
Poems to Live By: Poems from the trail and more...
Ventana Wilderness Alliance: Trails and Trail conditions for the Big Sur & Santa Lucia's
Voices of Esalen: Interview with Steven (if you haven't heard enough stories!)
Mountain Sea Adventures: Cat's (Caitlin's)website
The Joy System: Joy's website

Special gratitude to my remarkable assistants and wilderness medicine sisters Joy and Cat. And, a deep bow and heartfelt gratitude to each of you for showing up so we can dive in the the wilds — alone & together. May we weave many threads of our time together into the fabric of our lives.

