Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Folllowing the Way, Returning to the Source: Esalen 2010

Following the Way, Returning to the Source: 

A Celebration of the Life and Work of Richard Price

Thank you all for your participation in this once-in-a-lifetime event. All I can say for now is, "What a ride!"

I am blessed to have such great friends along this path. Heartfelt gratitude to you all.

Group Photos
Slide show of group photos
357 of Dorothy T's photos!

John Callahan's Gestalt Legacy Project can be found on the following links:
By the book: Manual of Gestal Practice in the Tradition of Dick Price
Read the book online: Manual of Gestalt Practice in the Tradition of Dick Price

Here is a link to the Dick Price Facebook page: Dick Price Celebration
You can read more stories, see more photos, plus I posted the slide show on this site too.


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