Sunday, February 22, 2015

Shinrin-yoku — Forest Bathing

Group Partaking in Shinrin-yoku

Forest Bathing, called Shinrin-yoku (森林浴), as I understand it, is the Japanese concept of spending time in nature to re-embody our deep connection to nature, to find balance, heal, and make whole again ourselves and our fundamental relationship to nature—both inner and outer.

In Japan there are 44 'accredited' Shinrin Yoku forests... a novel social construct, as I believe any forest will do for Forest Bathing—certified or not. John Muir reminds us, "Every body needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul."

There is mounting scientific studies and evidence that supports the practice of Forest Bathing, or what I prefer to call Wild Nature Bathing. Our physiological and neuro-psychological systems are affected in numerous ways that science is just scratching the surface in it's understanding.

Don't take the wisdom of Japanese culture or western science's word—get out and bathe in wild nature—feel for yourself the potential of Shinrin-yoku.

Wishing you wholesome Forest Bathing from the Big Sur,


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