Thursday, May 10, 2018

Big Sur Wilderness Experience: Esalen April 29-May 4 2018

Big Sur Wild Ones
click on photo to enlarge

WOW! What a way to start my 40th year of leading workshops at Esalen. What to say?

Perhaps silence is best. Humor me... take a moment to feel your feet on the ground... hara, heart, head in alignment... receive a fuller breath than normal all of the way to the top of the lungs, and an extended slightly audible exhale. Open awareness...

May you feel fully the seed qualities that are walking with you from our time together in wild nature of the Big Sur.

Here are some links that were requested by the group or from side conversations:
Photos: You should be able to view photos and download any you wish.
Poems to Live By: I read: Mindfulness, Morning Poem, Hokusai Says, and others
Voices of Esalen: Podcast interview with Steven: Direct, Sound Cloud, iTunes
Gratefulness: Meal Chant Stew

Trails in Big Sur:
Hiking in Big Sur
Ventana Wilderness Alliance

Ticks: There are many sites on ticks this is one of the best. Read to be informed and educated, not to scare yourself.

Gratitude to Big Sur, Esalen Institute, all of our teachers and ancestors — may we share the beauty freely.

Big hug from the Big Sur,


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