Saturday, July 16, 2016

Walk on the Wild Side: Esalen July 2016

"The mountains are call and I must go." ~John Muir

Walking or "sauntering" on the wild side following the pathless path with John Muir and others as inspiration for leading an authentic life we were blessed with condors sighting, moments of silence, natural hot springs, sea lion encounter on the beach, bonzai redwoods, perfect hiking weather, and much more.

"I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found was really going in." ~John Muir

For much of my life these words of Muir have been my experience. In wild nature I can find solace and something of the mystery of this life that is of the terrain where words don't travel well — yet almost all of us have experienced. Many, if not most of my milestone decision in my life were made (or were gifted to me) in wilderness.

I felt each of us individually and as a group, willing to go out into wilderness to go in to the wild aliveness of our inner world. I hope we each had moments of clarity, peace, belonging, beauty, feeling our heart's calling, mystery, and that we somehow let these moments guide our lives. May we take many threads of our experience and weave them into the tapestry of the life we are living now.

Here are some links:
Cyprian Consiglio (the Wednesday night singer and prior of the Hermitage in Big Sur)
Amy's KayOss Designs (time to change my wardrobe)
Jenny's "Open Admissions" podcast on iTunes, take a listen!
Hilary's website and books
Jen's Instagram: jenmountainsmith
Kevin's website
Rachael's Hand On

I know we had a wealth of talent and wisdom in everyone in our group. I am deeply touched by your showing up for each other and for showing up to step into the wilds.



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